Friday, June 6, 2008

Two ends of the spectrum

There was a lot going on this afternoon.

In the early part there were many workshops available to the participants. I of course attended the workshop on God-Blogs by Rev. Kevin Powell. Even though I have been at this blogging game for two years, I found it to be a great session and now I have some ideas for my regular blog.

Anyways, I hoped everyone else enjoyed their sessions.

In the later part we worked through some more difficult petitions. There was a variety to work through including mission congregation funding, the trial of a joint western examining committee (which will affect me directly next year when I go through collaquy) with the hopes of standardizing the collaquy process, the idea of a study convention in the off years of this business convention, and some more petitions regarding our theology and practice surrounding the bible.

We worked through those petitions, they were not particularly contentious, but still difficult to work through and while some motions were defeated, the intention seemed to supported by the convention.

On the other side of the difficult stuff, we immediately gathered outside to see how many people we could stuff in a smart car. The fun and silly event was a great tension reliever and don't be surprised to see a picture or two of some bishops stuffed into a smart car.

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