Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bishop Susan Johnson

National Bishop Susan Johnson offered her report outlining the 5 pillars that National Church Council will rest it's In Mission for Others theme.

But the most moving part of her presentation was, for me, when she shared how she felt Jesus embrace her during her ordination as bishop. That was good for us to hear. She modeled for us the faith sharing she wanted us to do.

Not only that, she let her humanity shine through, showing us that we are on a common faith journey, trying to figure out - together - where Jesus is leading our church family.

1 comment:

dyannanoble said...

Bishop Susan was at LTS last year and she described the same experience. It was so amazing to hear our National Bishop describe her physical experience of Jesus. So often we are afraid to make these experiences known, or brush off people's claims to have experienced the divine in a physical manner. We tend to "debunk" them, and often do so wrongly. What a great experience for her!